Research & Reports
Research Highlights
Step Up For Students Scholarship Results
Scholarships for Private School Students
244,664 students on the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options and Florida Tax Credit Scholarship
Average scholarship worth about $8,000
More than 2,000 participating private schools
Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities
101,182 students on the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities
Average scholarship worth about $10,000
Scholarships for Home Education Programs
49,455 students on the Personalized Education Program (PEP)
Average scholarship worth about $8,000
Step Up For Students Financial Reports
Financial Audits
Auditor General Operational Audits
IRS Form 990
School Financial Reports

Your gift will change a student's life

Educational Choice in Florida
Education choice isn’t just about charter schools or private schools anymore. Education choice is about giving parents a variety of options for their children and that’s where Florida excels.
Today, 1.7 million students in Florida attend schools of choice. Most students select from choice programs in their local school district including open enrollment, magnet schools, International Bachelorette programs and career and professional academies. Of these students 1.2 million are choosing options financed by taxpayers or corporate donors.
Scholarship programs run by Step Up For Students, such as the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, Hope Scholarship, Reading Scholarship, and the Family Empowerment Scholarship, constitute a small but vibrant part of Florida’s changing education landscape.
2018-19 Florida Department of Education data.
*The 2018-19 changing landscape cannot be compared with past years due to changes in Survey data.