A Scholarship for
Every Student
We empower PreK3-12 students with education scholarships to customize their learning journey.

Meet Our
We empower Florida families to personalize their children’s education. Select a scholarship that will open the door to a private school, different public school, tutor, therapist, specialist and more.
Explore Scholarships
Private School Choice
- K-12 Florida students
- Private school tuition and fees
- All income levels welcome
- Students from age 3 through grade 12 or age 22, whichever comes first
- Private school tuition, therapy, tutoring and more
- Serving students with a specific diagnosis
- K-12 home education students who are not enrolled in public school or a Home Education Program
- Instructional material, curriculum and more
Transportation Stipend
- K-8 public school students
- For students who attend a public school other than the one they are assigned
- Merged with FTC/FES-EO programs in 2024
- Renewals can apply to FTC/FES-EO for the 2024-25 school year.

Meet the Students
Stepping Up To Success
Scholarships funded to
Florida students.
Florida students.
Funds received are used for scholarships.
Years funding
Become a Donor
Sponsor the Next
Success Story
There are many ways to invest in the future of florida's educational landscape. Earn dollar-for-dollar tax credits while funding K-12 students' future through the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program.
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Help Change Lives
Schools and providers partner with us to empower Florida students with educational options. Be part of our efforts to ensure every child has an opportunity to receive a high-quality, personalized education. Step Up For Students Scholarship Programs and extended services exist to empower families to pursue the most appropriate learning options for their children.
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Step Beyond the Scholarship
Every day, students across Florida fulfill their potential with a customized education. Meet the students and enjoy stories about them forging new educational adventures. Be inspirED by how Step Up For Students scholarships are shaping the future.
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Reimagining Education
As the national gathering place for news and commentary about the evolving world of education choice, NextSteps' robust team of reporters and commentators offer insight into the explosion of education options and how families can tap into them.
Visit NextStepsResearch & Reports
Scholarship programs run by Step Up, such as the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, New Worlds Scholarship, and the Family Empowerment Scholarship, constitute a vibrant part of Florida’s changing education landscape.
About Step Up
Step Up For Students empowers families to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children.