Tag: Bishop Kenny High School
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Education choice scholarship helps fuel Mia's dreams of Ivy League college and med school
BY ROGER MOONEY JACKSONVILLE – Mia Boka’s father, Steve, was a giant of a man, standing 6-foot-6 with a personality just as large. He was demanding but fair with his children, instilling structure in their daily lives with constant reminders to study hard, work hard and always do their best. “Speak up and be heard,” […]
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Education choice scholarship helps Ny'Reon create blueprint for his future
Ny’Reon Shuman has a blueprint for his future. The 17-year-old has designs on being an architect. He wants to own an architectural firm, one with offices around the world. He wants to design a big house for his grandmother, Katherine Shuman, who adopted him when he was an infant. He calls her “Mom.” “She’s made […]
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